By the Fire, 2007, suede, velvet, and embroidered leaves, thread, fabric, and grommets mounted to wood, 45 ½ x 52 ½ inches.
Site-specific work for the exhibition “Ornamental Instincts” at Wave Hill, Bronx, New York, 2007.
In 2007, I was invited to submit a proposal to create a work for the show “Ornamental Instincts” at Wave Hill, a public garden and cultural center in the Bronx. The exhibition was going to take place in the winter when the environs of the garden would be bare and stark, so I was immediately drawn to the fireplace, the place to gather and get warm after being outside. All of the leaves are hand sewn onto fabric and then stretched around a thin piece of wood. The piece not only conveys the warmth and coziness of being by a fire, but it also, with all the colorful leaves, represents the natural beauty of Wave Hill.